@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+import json
+from time import sleep
+from typing import Dict
+import requests
+from openai import OpenAI
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+from app.admin.schema.intent_org import CurrentIntentOrgIns
+from app.call_center.crud.crud_intent_records import intent_records_dao
+from app.call_center.schema.intent_records import GetIntentRecordsDetails
+from common.log import log
+from core.conf import settings
+from database.db_mysql import async_db_session
+from database.db_redis import redis_client
+from utils.serializers import select_as_dict
+async def update_llm_intent():
+ async with async_db_session.begin() as db:
+ record = await intent_records_dao.get_earliest_record(db)
+ if not record:
+ return None
+ record_data = GetIntentRecordsDetails(**select_as_dict(record))
+ # 机构 id
+ org_id = record_data.org_id
+ # 从缓存中获取机构信息
+ key = f'{settings.TOKEN_CALL_REDIS_PREFIX}:{org_id}'
+ org_json = await redis_client.get(key)
+ if not org_json:
+ # 缓存中没有,从数据库中获取
+ from app.admin.crud.crud_intent_org import intent_org_dao
+ org = await intent_org_dao.get(db, org_id)
+ if not org and org.status is not 1:
+ log.error(f"意向评级时,机构不存在 org_id: {org_id}")
+ return None
+ org_data = CurrentIntentOrgIns(**select_as_dict(org))
+ # 将数据放进缓存
+ await redis_client.setex(
+ key,
+ org_data.model_dump_json(),
+ )
+ else:
+ org_data = CurrentIntentOrgIns(**json.loads(org_json))
+ # 开始评级
+ intent_schema = {
+ "name": "intent_schema",
+ "schema": { # 添加 schema 字段
+ "type": "object",
+ "description": "为通话记录进行评级",
+ "properties": {
+ "score": {"type": "string", "description": "评分结果:有意向、待进一步分析、暂时无法沟通、其他"},
+ "confidence_score": {"type": "number", "description": "置信度分数,范围从0.0到1.0"},
+ "scoring_criteria": {"type": "string", "description": "请逐步介绍为何评为这个结果"}
+ },
+ "required": ["score", "confidence_score", "scoring_criteria"]
+ }
+ }
+ rules = [
+ {
+ 'rule': "用户表现出对产品有积极回应,询问有关产品的问题,或愿意进行后续操作,如确认微信号、询问发货地址或表达接受产品(例:'行'、'好'、'可以'、'是的')。",
+ 'score': '有意向'},
+ {
+ 'rule': "用户虽然未积极回应或表示不需要,但却有相关需求、或着符合某项购买条件、又或着询问了机器人问题,即便后期疲软或持否定态度,可移交销售顾问进行进一步的需求分析,以便改善产品或定制符合客户要求的产品",
+ 'score': '待进一步分析'},
+ {
+ 'rule': "用户表示自己在忙、在开会等,现在不太方便沟通。又或者对电话的真实性存疑,怀疑是诈骗电话,可后续让专业客服继续跟进",
+ 'score': '暂时无法沟通'},
+ {
+ 'rule': "除上述规则外的其他用户,请注意客户资源珍贵,请尽量归类为'有意向'或'待进一步分析',后续再由销售专家定性。",
+ 'score': '其他'}
+ ]
+ score_map = {
+ '有意向': 1,
+ '待进一步分析': 2,
+ '暂时无法沟通': 3,
+ '其他': 4
+ }
+ messages = [
+ {"role": "system", "content": f"""# 任务
+1. 首先,判断用户的第一句话是否说了:“你好,(任意内容)通话”,如果说了,则不用理会评级规则,直接强制分配为"语音助手"
+2. 如果不属于“语音助手”,请根据评级规则,对聊天记录给出评级、置信度、评分依据(逐项分析不要遗漏)
+# 细节说明
+ },
+ {
+ "role": "user",
+ "content": f"""# 评级规则:
+ {rules}
+ # 聊天记录
+ {record_data.chat_history}
+ """
+ }
+ ]
+ response_data = generate_json(org_data.api_key, org_data.openai_base, messages, intent_schema)
+ if response_data and isinstance(response_data.choices, list) and len(response_data.choices) > 0:
+ first_choice = response_data.choices[0]
+ if first_choice and first_choice.message:
+ response_json = first_choice.message.content
+ if response_json:
+ intent = json.loads(response_json)
+ score = intent.get('score', "未知")
+ llm_intent = score_map.get(score, 0)
+ # confidence_score = intent.get('confidence_score', 0)
+ # scoring_criteria = intent.get('scoring_criteria', "未知")
+ log.info(f"response_data.to_dict(): {response_data.to_dict()}")
+ status = 2
+ # 推送
+ url = org_data.intent_callback
+ if url:
+ headers = {
+ "Content-Type": "application/json"
+ }
+ data = {
+ "internal_id": record_data.id,
+ "external_id": record_data.external_id,
+ "score": llm_intent,
+ "intent": score
+ }
+ is_success = await send_request_with_retry(url, data, headers, max_retries=3, delay_between_retries=2)
+ if is_success:
+ status = 3
+ # 存储结果
+ status = 2
+ async with async_db_session.begin() as db:
+ try:
+ await intent_records_dao.update_llm_intent(db, record_data.id, llm_intent,
+ {"messages": messages},
+ response_data.to_dict(),
+ status)
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"更新意图记录时发生异常:{e}")
+def generate_json(api_key: str, openai_base: str, messages: list[dict], json_schema: dict):
+ try:
+ client_args = {}
+ if api_key:
+ client_args["api_key"] = api_key
+ if openai_base:
+ client_args["base_url"] = openai_base
+ oai_client = OpenAI(**client_args)
+ completion = oai_client.chat.completions.create(
+ model="gpt-4o",
+ messages=messages,
+ response_format={
+ "type": "json_schema",
+ "json_schema": json_schema
+ }
+ )
+ if completion and isinstance(completion.choices, list) and len(completion.choices) > 0:
+ first_choice = completion.choices[0]
+ if first_choice and first_choice.message:
+ # return first_choice.message.content
+ return completion
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"[oai] generate_json failed: {e}")
+async def send_request_with_retry(url: str, data: Dict, headers: Dict[str, str], max_retries: int, delay_between_retries: int) -> bool:
+ for attempt in range(max_retries):
+ try:
+ async with session.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post(url, json=data, headers=headers, timeout=10) as response:
+ if response.status == 200:
+ return True
+ except (aiohttp.ClientError, asyncio.TimeoutError) as e:
+ log.error(f"请求异常:{e}")
+ if attempt < max_retries - 1:
+ print("重试中...")
+ await asyncio.sleep(delay_between_retries)
+ return False