@@ -1,259 +1,43 @@
<!-- <Spin class="loading-style" :spinning="loading" tip="Loading...">
<div v-if="!loading"> -->
- <Drawer
- :open="visible"
- title="群发消息"
- width="900"
- class="user-phase-drawer"
- @close="handleClose"
- >
+ <Drawer :open="visible" title="群发消息" width="800" class="user-phase-drawer" @close="handleClose">
<Steps :current="currentStep" size="default" class="step-style">
- <Step class="custom-step" title="设置消息条件"></Step>
- <Step class="custom-step" title="配置消息内容"></Step>
+ <Step class="custom-step" title="编辑群发"></Step>
+ <Step class="custom-step" title="编辑内容"></Step>
<!-- <div v-if="isDataLoaded"> -->
<div v-if="currentStep === 0" class="step-content">
- <Form
- :model="form"
- :label-col="{ span: 3 }"
- :wrapper-col="{ span: 19 }"
- ref="formRef"
- :rules="rules"
- >
- <FormItem
- label="任务名称"
- name="phaseName"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请输入任务名称' }]"
- >
- <Input
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- v-model:value="form.phaseName"
- placeholder="请输入任务名称"
- :maxlength="20"
- show-count
- />
+ <Form :model="form" :label-col="{ span: 3 }" :wrapper-col="{ span: 19 }" ref="formRef" :rules="rules">
+ <FormItem label="任务名称" name="taskName" :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请输入' }]">
+ <Input v-model:value="form.taskName" placeholder="请输入" :maxlength="20" show-count />
- <FormItem label="筛选联系人"></FormItem>
- <!-- <div class="description">
- <InfoCircleOutlined />
- 主要用于执行任务的触发的条件,满足条件才可进入群发,转人工的动作
- </div> -->
- <!-- <FormItem
- label="选择条件"
- name="conditionType"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择条件' }]"
- >
- <Radio.Group v-model:value="form.conditionType" :disabled="btnDisabled">
- <Radio value="1">客户标签</Radio>
- </Radio.Group>
- </FormItem> -->
- <FormItem
- label="条件关系"
- name="conditionOperator"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择条件关系' }]"
- >
- <Radio.Group v-model:value="form.conditionOperator" :disabled="btnDisabled">
- <Radio value="1">满足所有条件</Radio>
- <Radio value="2">满足一个条件即可</Radio>
- </Radio.Group>
+ <FormItem label="发送账号" name="fromwxid" :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择' }]">
+ <Select v-model:value="form.fromwxid" placeholder="请选择" :options="accountList"></Select>
- <FormItem
- label="触发条件"
- name="conditionList"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择触发条件' }]"
- >
- <Button
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- @click="addContent"
- style="
- box-shadow: none;
- color: #307ef2;
- display: inline-block;
- border: none;
- background: none;
- "
- >
- <PlusCircleOutlined style="color: #307ef2; display: inline-block" />
- 添加
- </Button>
- <div v-if="form.conditionList.length > 0" class="concrete-content-container">
- <div
- v-for="(item, index) in form.conditionList"
- :key="index"
- class="concrete-content-item"
- >
- <span>标签</span>
- <FormItem :name="'equal-' + index">
- <Select
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- v-model:value="item.equal"
- :options="equalList"
- :style="{ width: '80px', margin: '0 5px' }"
- ></Select>
- </FormItem>
- <FormItem :name="'labelIdList-' + index" :style="{ display: 'contents' }">
- <Select
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- v-model:value="item.labelIdList"
- :options="actionLabel"
- allowClear
- mode="multiple"
- size="middle"
- placeholder="请选择"
- :style="{ width: '240px', margin: '0 5px' }"
- :max-tag-count="1"
- ></Select>
- </FormItem>
- <Button
- style="
- color: #307ef2;
- box-shadow: none;
- display: inline-block;
- border: none;
- background: none;
- "
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- v-if="form.conditionList.length > 1"
- @click="removeContent(index)"
- >
- <CloseCircleOutlined style="color: #d3d2d3" />
- </Button>
- </div>
- </div>
+ <FormItem label="标签" name="labels">
+ <Select v-model:value="form.labels" :options="actionLabel" allowClear mode="multiple" size="middle"
+ placeholder="请选择" :style="{ margin: '0 5px' }"></Select>
+ <span v-show="form.labels.length === 0" class="warning-style">请选择标签</span>
- <FormItem label="选择发送时间"></FormItem>
- <FormItem
- label="发送方式"
- name="conditionOperator"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择发送方式' }]"
- >
- <Radio.Group v-model:value="form.conditionOperator" :disabled="btnDisabled">
+ <FormItem label="发送方式" name="conditionOperator" :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择发送方式' }]">
+ <Radio.Group v-model:value="form.conditionOperator">
<Radio value="1">立即发送</Radio>
<Radio value="2">定时发送</Radio>
- <FormItem
- label="发送时间"
- name="conditionOperator"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择发送时间' }]"
- >
- <DatePicker
- v-model:value="form.dateRange"
- placeholder="请选择发送时间"
- format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
- :disabled-date="disabledDate"
- :show-time="{ defaultValue: dayjs('00:00:00', 'HH:mm:ss') }"
- />
+ <FormItem label="发送时间" name="sendTimeStr" :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请选择发送时间' }]">
+ <DatePicker v-model:value="form.sendTimeStr" placeholder="请选择发送时间" format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"
+ :disabled-date="disabledDate" :show-time="{ defaultValue: dayjs('00:00:00', 'HH:mm:ss') }" />
+ <!-- 第二步 -->
<div v-if="currentStep === 1" class="step-content">
- <Form
- :model="taskForm"
- :label-col="{ span: 3 }"
- :wrapper-col="{ span: 19 }"
- ref="taskFormRef"
- >
- <FormItem label="执行任务" name="taskType">
- <Button
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- :class="isMsgAction ? 'action-btn' : 'btn-style'"
- @click="setTaskType('sendMessage')"
- >
- <template #icon>
- <CommentOutlined />
- </template>
- 发消息
- </Button>
- <!-- <Button
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- :class="isTagAction ? 'action-btn' : 'btn-style'"
- @click="setTaskType('tag')"
- >
- <template #icon>
- <TagsOutlined />
- </template>
- 打标签
- </Button> -->
+ <Form :model="taskForm" :label-col="{ span: 3 }" :wrapper-col="{ span: 19 }" ref="taskFormRef">
+ <FormItem label="" name="msg" :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请输入消息内容' }]">
+ <MsgContant v-model:value="taskForm.msg" />
- <!-- 发消息 -->
- <Collapse
- v-show="isMsgAction"
- v-model:activeKey="activeKey"
- collapsible="header"
- class="custom-collapse"
- >
- <Collapse.Panel key="1" class="custom-collapse-panel">
- <template #header>
- <div @click.stop="toggleTimeoutAction" style="display: flex; align-items: center">
- <MessageOutlined style="color: #83b14e" />
- <span>发消息</span>
- </div>
- </template>
- <div @click.stop>
- <FormItem label="发送方式" name="sendType">
- <Radio.Group v-model:value="taskForm.sendType" :disabled="btnDisabled">
- <Radio value="immediate">立即发送</Radio>
- <!-- <Radio value="scheduled">定时发送</Radio> -->
- </Radio.Group>
- </FormItem>
- <!-- 根据发送方式显示 MsgContant 或在折叠面板中展示 -->
- <div v-if="taskForm.sendType === 'immediate'">
- <FormItem
- label=""
- name="actionMessage"
- :rules="[{ required: true, message: '请输入消息内容' }]"
- >
- <MsgContant v-model:value="taskForm.actionMessage" :msgDisabled="btnDisabled" />
- </FormItem>
- <!-- <component :is="MsgContant" /> -->
- </div>
- <TimedSending v-else />
- </div>
- </Collapse.Panel>
- </Collapse>
- <!-- 打标签 -->
- <!-- <Collapse
- v-show="isTagAction"
- v-model:activeKey="activeKeyTag"
- collapsible="header"
- class="custom-collapse-tag"
- >
- <Collapse.Panel key="1" class="tag-collapse-panel">
- <template #header>
- <div @click.stop="toggleTimeoutAction" style="display: flex; align-items: center">
- <TagOutlined style="color: #6f9ce5" />
- <span>打标签</span>
- </div>
- </template>
- <div @click.stop>
- <FormItem
- label="用户进入当前阶段时,可以打上标签"
- name="tagging"
- v-if="msgAction"
- :labelCol="{ span: 8 }"
- >
- <Select
- :disabled="btnDisabled"
- v-model:value="taskForm.tagValue"
- :options="actionLabel"
- allowClear
- mode="multiple"
- size="middle"
- placeholder="请选择"
- :style="{ width: '240px', margin: '0 5px' }"
- :max-tag-count="1"
- ></Select>
- <span v-show="taskForm.tagValue.length === 0" class="warning-style">
- 请选择标签
- </span>
- </FormItem>
- </div>
- </Collapse.Panel>
- </Collapse> -->
<div class="steps-action">
@@ -269,481 +53,301 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
- import { unref, defineProps, defineEmits, ref, toRefs, watch, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';
- import {
- Drawer,
- Form,
- FormItem,
- Input,
- Radio,
- Button,
- Steps,
- Step,
- Collapse,
- Select,
- Spin,
- message,
- DatePicker,
- } from 'ant-design-vue';
- import {
- InfoCircleOutlined,
- CommentOutlined,
- TagsOutlined,
- PlusCircleOutlined,
- CloseCircleOutlined,
- MessageOutlined,
- TagOutlined,
- } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
- import type { FormInstance } from 'ant-design-vue';
- import { getLabelSelectList } from '@/api/wechat/label';
- // import HtmlTextarea from './htmlTextarea.vue';
- import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
- import MsgContant from './msgContant.vue';
- import TimedSending from './timedSending.vue';
- import {
- addSopTaskStage,
- getSopStageDetailById,
- getSopStageList,
- editSopTaskStage,
- } from '@/api/wechat/sopTask';
- // import { useStore } from '../stores/index';
- // let store = useStore();
- // let {
- // sopLabelList,
- // sopStageId,
- // sopTaskId,
- // sopTaskDtat,
- // setSopStageId,
- // setSopStageList,
- // setStageDrawer,
- // } = store;
- // name: 'UserPhasesDrawer',
- const props = defineProps<{
- visible: boolean;
- // stageId: {
- // type: Number; // 支持 number 和 ref 类型
- // required: true;
- // };
- btnDisabled: {
- type: Boolean;
- default: false;
- };
- }>();
- const emit = defineEmits<{
- (event: 'update:open', value: boolean): void;
- (event: 'update:getStageList', value: { value: boolean; id: number }): void;
- }>();
- const { visible, btnDisabled } = toRefs(props);
- const loading = ref(false);
- const currentStep = ref(0);
- const formRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
- const taskFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
- const dayValue = ref<number>(1);
- const strValue = ref<string>('09:00:00');
- // const tagValue = ref<number>();
- const labelIsShow = ref<boolean>(false);
- // 定义动态组件插槽或具名插槽
- // const MsgContantSlot = MsgContant;
- // 定义选项数组
- // const actionLabel = sopLabelList;
- const actionLabel = ref([]);
- const equalList = [
- { label: '是', value: 1 },
- { label: '不是', value: 2 },
- ];
- const form = reactive({
- phaseName: '',
- conditionType: '1', //1:客户标签2:基本信息
- conditionOperator: '1',
- conditionList: [],
- dateRange: '',
- });
- const rules = {
- phaseName: [{ required: true, message: '请输入阶段名称', trigger: 'blur' }],
- conditionOperator: [{ required: true, message: '请选择条件关系', trigger: 'change' }],
- conditionList: [{ required: true, message: '请选择', trigger: 'change' }],
- // 'conditionList[0].labelIdList': [{ required: true, message: '请输入', trigger: 'blur' }],
- };
- const initialForm = reactive({
- phaseName: '',
- conditionType: '1',
- conditionOperator: '1',
- conditionList: [],
- });
- const taskForm = reactive({
- taskType: 'sendMessage',
- sendType: 'immediate',
- actionMessage: [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
- tagValue: [],
- });
- const initialTaskForm = reactive({
- taskType: 'sendMessage',
- sendType: 'immediate',
- actionMessage: [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
- tagValue: [],
- });
- const activeKey = ref<number | string>('1');
- const activeKeyTiem = ref<number | string>('time1');
- const activeKeyTag = ref<number | string>('1');
- // const msgAction = ref<boolean>(false);
- const msgAction = ref(taskForm.taskType === 'sendMessage');
- const isMsgAction = ref<boolean>(true);
- const isTagAction = ref<boolean>(false);
- // const isDataLoaded = ref(false); // 控制表单的渲染
- onMounted(async () => {
- let res = await getLabelSelectList({ page: 1, pageSize: 1000, type: 1 });
- actionLabel.value = res.data;
- // if (unref(stageId)) {
- // getStageDetail(unref(stageId));
- // } else {
- // console.log('新建----');
- // resetForms();
- // }
- });
+import { unref, defineProps, defineEmits, ref, toRefs, watch, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';
+import {
+ Drawer,
+ Form,
+ FormItem,
+ Input,
+ Radio,
+ Button,
+ Steps,
+ Step,
+ Select,
+ Spin,
+ DatePicker,
+} from 'ant-design-vue';
+import type { FormInstance } from 'ant-design-vue';
+import { getLabelSelectList } from '@/api/wechat/label';
+// import HtmlTextarea from './htmlTextarea.vue';
+import dayjs, { Dayjs } from 'dayjs';
+import MsgContant from './msgContant.vue';
- const disabledDate = (current: Dayjs) => {
- return current && current < dayjs().endOf('day');
- };
+import { getSopStageDetailById, editSopTaskStage } from '@/api/wechat/sopTask';
+import { createBatchMsg, } from '@/api/wechat/batchMsg';
- function nextStep() {
- if (currentStep.value === 0) {
- formRef.value
- ?.validate()
- .then((res) => {
- const allValid = res.conditionList.every((item) => item.labelIdList.length > 0);
- if (!allValid) {
- message.warning('请选择完整的标签!');
- return;
- } else {
- currentStep.value += 1;
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error('校验失败:', error);
- });
- }
- }
- function prevStep() {
- if (currentStep.value > 0) {
- currentStep.value -= 1;
- }
- }
+const props = defineProps<{
+ visible: boolean;
+ // stageId: {
+ // type: Number; // 支持 number 和 ref 类型
+ // required: true;
+ // };
+ // btnDisabled: {
+ // type: Boolean;
+ // default: false;
+ // };
+const emit = defineEmits<{
+ (event: 'update:open', value: boolean): void;
+ (event: 'update:getStageList', value: { value: boolean; id: number }): void;
+const { visible, } = toRefs(props);
+const loading = ref(false);
+const currentStep = ref(0);
+const formRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
+const taskFormRef = ref<FormInstance | null>(null);
- function addContent() {
- labelIsShow.value = true;
- form.conditionList.push({ equal: 1, labelIdList: [] });
- }
+const actionLabel = ref([]);
+const accountList = ref([]);
- function removeContent(index: number) {
- form.conditionList.splice(index, 1);
- }
+const form = reactive({
+ taskName: '',
+ fromwxid: '',
+ conditionOperator: '1',
+ // conditionList: [],
+ sendTimeStr: '',
+ labels: [],
+const rules = {
+ taskName: [{ required: true, message: '请输入任务名称', trigger: 'blur' }],
+ conditionOperator: [{ required: true, message: '请选择条件关系', trigger: 'change' }],
+ // conditionList: [{ required: true, message: '请选择', trigger: 'change' }],
+ // 'conditionList[0].labelIdList': [{ required: true, message: '请输入', trigger: 'blur' }],
+const initialForm = reactive({
+ taskName: '',
+ conditionOperator: '1',
+ conditionList: [],
+ fromwxid: '',
+ sendTimeStr: '',
+ labels: [],
+const taskForm = reactive({
+ // taskType: 'sendMessage',
+ // sendType: 'immediate',
+ msg: [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
- function resetForms() {
- Object.assign(form, initialForm);
- Object.assign(taskForm, initialTaskForm);
- currentStep.value = 0;
- }
+const initialTaskForm = reactive({
+ // taskType: 'sendMessage',
+ // sendType: 'immediate',
+ msg: [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
+const activeKey = ref<number | string>('1');
+const activeKeyTiem = ref<number | string>('time1');
+const activeKeyTag = ref<number | string>('1');
+// const msgAction = ref<boolean>(false);
+// const msgAction = ref(taskForm.taskType === 'sendMessage');
+const isMsgAction = ref<boolean>(true);
+const isTagAction = ref<boolean>(false);
+// const isDataLoaded = ref(false); // 控制表单的渲染
+onMounted(async () => {
+ let res = await getLabelSelectList({ page: 1, pageSize: 1000, type: 1 });
+ actionLabel.value = res.data;
+ accountList.value = res.data;
+ // if (unref(stageId)) {
+ // getStageDetail(unref(stageId));
+ // } else {
+ // console.log('新建----');
+ // resetForms();
+ // }
- async function getStageDetail(id) {
- // 模拟 API 调用
- let data = await getSopStageDetailById({ id });
- // 填充 form 数据
- Object.assign(form, {
- phaseName: data.data.name,
- // conditionType: String(data.data.conditionType),
- conditionOperator: String(data.data.conditionOperator),
- conditionList: data.data.conditionList || [],
- });
- const taskTypes = [];
- if (data.data.actionMessage.length > 0) {
- taskTypes.push('sendMessage');
- }
- if (data.data.actionLabel.length > 0) {
- taskTypes.push('tag');
- }
- // 填充 taskForm 数据
- Object.assign(taskForm, {
- taskType: taskTypes,
- sendType: 'immediate',
- actionMessage: data.data.actionMessage || [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
- tagValue: data.data.actionLabel || [],
- });
- // 根据 taskType 设置 isMsgAction 和 isTagAction
- isMsgAction.value = taskTypes.includes('sendMessage');
- isTagAction.value = taskTypes.includes('tag');
- }
+const disabledDate = (current: Dayjs) => {
+ return current && current < dayjs().endOf('day');
- function processArray(array: any[]) {
- array.forEach((item) => {
- if (item.type === 2 && Array.isArray(item.content)) {
- const contentString = item.content[0]; // 假设content只有一个元素
- const filename = contentString.split('/').pop(); // 获取最后一个/后的值
- item.content = contentString; // 将content数组转成字符串
- item.meta = { filename }; // 添加meta对象
- }
- });
- return array;
- }
- async function submitForm() {
- if (!btnDisabled.value) {
- // 提交表单逻辑 conditionType,
- const { phaseName, conditionOperator, conditionList } = form;
- const { taskType, sendType, actionMessage, tagValue } = taskForm;
- processArray(actionMessage);
- const requestData = {
- name: phaseName,
- // conditionType: ~~conditionType,
- conditionType: 1,
- conditionOperator: ~~conditionOperator,
- conditionList,
- taskType,
- sendType,
- actionMessage,
- actionLabel: tagValue,
- };
- const allData = actionMessage.every((item) => item.content.trim() !== '');
- if ((isMsgAction.value && !allData) || (isTagAction.value && tagValue.length === 0)) {
- return;
- }
- if (unref(stageId)) {
- // 编辑
- loading.value = true;
- console.log('编辑阶段');
- const id = unref(stageId);
- let response = await editSopTaskStage({ id, ...requestData });
- if (response && response.code == 0) {
- loading.value = false;
- emit('update:getStageList', { value: true, id });
- console.log('编辑成功');
- handleClose();
- } else {
- console.error(response.code, '编辑失败');
- }
- } else {
- // 新增
- // console.log('新增阶段', sopTaskId, store.sopTaskId);
- loading.value = true;
- let response = await addSopTaskStage({ taskId: 1, ...requestData });
- if (response && response.code === 0) {
- console.log('新增成功');
- loading.value = false;
- // getStageList()
- emit('update:getStageList', { value: true, id: response.data });
- // setSopStageId(response.data); // 更新 sopStageId
- handleClose();
- } else {
- loading.value = false;
- console.error('新增失败');
- }
- }
- } else {
- handleClose();
- }
- }
+function nextStep() {
+ if (currentStep.value === 0) {
+ formRef.value
+ ?.validate()
+ .then((res) => {
+ // const allValid = res.conditionList.every((item) => item.labelIdList.length > 0);
+ // if (!allValid) {
+ // message.warning('请选择完整的标签!');
+ // return;
+ // } else {
+ currentStep.value += 1;
+ // }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error('校验失败:', error);
+ });
+ }
- // 打开或关闭抽屉
- function handleClose() {
- if (visible.value) {
- resetForms();
- }
- emit('update:open', false);
+function prevStep() {
+ if (currentStep.value > 0) {
+ currentStep.value -= 1;
- // function resetForms () {
- // Object.assign(form, initialForm);
- // Object.assign(taskForm, initialTaskForm);
- // msgAction.value = '';
- // isMsgAction.value = true;
- // isTagAction.value = false;
- // dayValue.value = 1;
- // strValue.value = '09:00:00';
- // // tagValue.value = [];
- // };
+function resetForms() {
+ Object.assign(form, initialForm);
+ Object.assign(taskForm, initialTaskForm);
+ currentStep.value = 0;
- // 在打开抽屉时保存初始状态
- watch(visible, (newVal) => {
- if (newVal) {
- Object.assign(initialForm, { ...form });
- Object.assign(initialTaskForm, { ...taskForm });
- }
+async function getStageDetail(id) {
+ // 模拟 API 调用
+ let data = await getSopStageDetailById({ id });
+ // 填充 form 数据
+ Object.assign(form, {
+ taskName: data.data.name,
+ fromwxid: data.data.fromwxid,
+ conditionOperator: String(data.data.conditionOperator),
+ labels: data.data.msg || [],
+ // conditionList: data.data.conditionList || [],
+ });
+ // const taskTypes = [];
+ // if (data.data.msg.length > 0) {
+ // taskTypes.push('sendMessage');
+ // }
+ // if (data.data.actionLabel.length > 0) {
+ // taskTypes.push('tag');
+ // }
+ // 填充 taskForm 数据
+ Object.assign(taskForm, {
+ // taskType: taskTypes,
+ // sendType: 'immediate',
+ msg: data.data.msg || [{ type: 1, content: '' }],
+ // labels: data.data.actionLabel || [],
+ // 根据 taskType 设置 isMsgAction 和 isTagAction
+ // isMsgAction.value = taskTypes.includes('sendMessage');
+ // isTagAction.value = taskTypes.includes('tag');
- // 设置任务类型
- function setTaskType(type: string) {
- taskForm.taskType = type;
- if (type === 'tag') {
- isTagAction.value = !isTagAction.value;
- msgAction.value = type === 'tag';
- if (!isTagAction.value) {
- taskForm.taskType = '';
- taskForm.tagValue = [];
- }
- } else if (type === 'sendMessage') {
- msgAction.value = type === 'sendMessage';
- isMsgAction.value = !isMsgAction.value;
- if (!isMsgAction.value) {
- taskForm.taskType = '';
- taskForm.actionMessage = [{ type: 1, content: '' }];
- }
+function processArray(array: any[]) {
+ array.forEach((item) => {
+ if (item.type === 2 && Array.isArray(item.content)) {
+ const contentString = item.content[0]; // 假设content只有一个元素
+ const filename = contentString.split('/').pop(); // 获取最后一个/后的值
+ item.content = contentString; // 将content数组转成字符串
+ item.meta = { filename }; // 添加meta对象
- // taskForm.taskType = type;
- // msgAction.value = type === 'sendMessage';
- // isMsgAction.value = type === 'sendMessage';
- // isTagAction.value = type === 'tag';
- }
- // const setTaskType = (taskType: string) => {
- // if(taskType === 'tag'){
- // isTagAction.value = !isTagAction.value;
- // }else if(taskType === 'sendMessage'){
- // isMsgAction.value = !isMsgAction.value;
+ });
+ return array;
+async function submitForm() {
+ // if (!btnDisabled.value) {
+ // 提交表单逻辑 ,
+ const { taskName, fromwxid, conditionOperator, labels, sendTimeStr } = form;
+ const { msg } = taskForm;
+ processArray(msg);
+ const requestData = {
+ taskName,
+ fromwxid,
+ sendTimeStr,
+ conditionOperator: ~~conditionOperator,
+ msg,
+ labels,
+ };
+ const allData = msg.every((item) => item.content.trim() !== '');
+ if ((isMsgAction.value && !allData) || (isTagAction.value && labels.length === 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // if (unref(stageId)) {
+ // 编辑
+ // loading.value = true;
+ // console.log('编辑群发消息');
+ // const id = unref(stageId);
+ // let response = await editSopTaskStage({ id, ...requestData });
+ // if (response && response.code == 0) {
+ // loading.value = false;
+ // emit('update:getStageList', { value: true, id });
+ // console.log('编辑成功');
+ // handleClose();
+ // } else {
+ // console.error(response.code, '编辑失败');
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // 新增
+ console.log('新增去发消息', ...requestData);
+ loading.value = true;
+ // let response = await createBatchMsg({ ...requestData });
+ // if (response && response.code === 0) {
+ // console.log('新增成功');
+ // loading.value = false;
+ // // emit('update:getStageList', { value: true, id: response.data });
+ // handleClose();
+ // } else {
+ // loading.value = false;
+ // console.error('新增失败');
+ // }
// }
- // if (taskForm.taskType === taskType) {
- // // Toggle the state if the taskType is already the same
- // msgAction.value = !msgAction.value;
- // activeKey.value = msgAction.value ? ['1'] : [];
// } else {
- // taskForm.taskType = taskType;
- // msgAction.value = taskType === 'sendMessage';
- // activeKey.value = msgAction.value ? ['1'] : [];
+ handleClose();
// }
- // };
- function toggleTimeoutAction() {
- // 切换折叠面板的动作
- if (taskForm.taskType === 'scheduled') {
- msgAction.value = !msgAction.value;
- if (msgAction.value) {
- activeKeyTiem.value = ['time1'];
- } else {
- activeKeyTiem.value = [];
- }
- }
+// 打开或关闭抽屉
+function handleClose() {
+ if (visible.value) {
+ resetForms();
- // 切换超时动作
- // const toggleTimeoutAction = () => {
- // activeKeyTiem.value = activeKeyTiem.value ? '' : 'time1';
- // };
+ emit('update:open', false);
+// 在打开抽屉时保存初始状态
+watch(visible, (newVal) => {
+ if (newVal) {
+ Object.assign(initialForm, { ...form });
+ Object.assign(initialTaskForm, { ...taskForm });
+ }
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- .btn-style {
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- border-color: #cececd;
- color: #606266;
- }
- .action-btn {
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- }
- .btn-style:hover {
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- .highlighted-text {
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- position: absolute;
- bottom: -20px;
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+ height: 100vh;
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+ justify-content: flex-end;
+ gap: 10px;
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+ margin: 0 auto;
+ width: 60%;
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+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ z-index: 1;
+ position: fixed !important;
+ top: 0;
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+ // background: yellow;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
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