import "../base.api"

type (
    // The response data of department information | 部门信息
    DepartmentInfo {

        // Translated Name | 展示名称
        Trans string `json:"trans,optional"`

        // Status | 状态
        Status *uint32 `json:"status,optional" validate:"omitempty,lt=20"`

        // Sort | 排序
        Sort *uint32 `json:"sort,optional" validate:"omitempty,lt=10000"`

        // Name | 部门名称
        Name *string `json:"name,optional" validate:"omitempty,min=1,max=50"`

        // Ancestors | 父级部门列表
        Ancestors *string `json:"ancestors,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=200"`

        // Leader | 部门负责人
        Leader *string `json:"leader,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=20"`

        // Phone | 电话号码
        Phone *string `json:"phone,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=18"`

        // Email | 邮箱
        Email *string `json:"email,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=70"`

        // Remark | 备注
        Remark *string `json:"remark,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=200"`

        // ParentId | 父级 ID
        ParentId *uint64 `json:"parentId,optional"`

    // The response data of department list | 部门列表数据
    DepartmentListResp {

        // Department list data | 部门列表数据
        Data DepartmentListInfo `json:"data"`

    // Department list data | 部门列表数据
    DepartmentListInfo {

        // The API list data | 部门列表数据
        Data  []DepartmentInfo  `json:"data"`

    // Get department list request params | 部门列表请求参数
    DepartmentListReq {

        // Name | 部门名称
        Name *string `json:"name,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=50"`

        // Leader | 部门负责人
        Leader *string `json:"leader,optional" validate:"omitempty,max=20"`

    // Department information response | 部门信息返回体
    DepartmentInfoResp {

        // Department information | 部门数据
        Data DepartmentInfo `json:"data"`

    jwt: Auth
    group: department
    middleware: Authority

service Wechat {
    // Create department information | 创建部门
    @handler createDepartment
    post /department/create (DepartmentInfo) returns (BaseMsgResp)

    // Update department information | 更新部门
    @handler updateDepartment
    post /department/update (DepartmentInfo) returns (BaseMsgResp)

    // Delete department information | 删除部门信息
    @handler deleteDepartment
    post /department/delete (IDsReq) returns (BaseMsgResp)

    // Get department list | 获取部门列表
    @handler getDepartmentList
    post /department/list (DepartmentListReq) returns (DepartmentListResp)

    // Get Department by ID | 通过ID获取部门
    @handler getDepartmentById
    post /department (IDReq) returns (DepartmentInfoResp)