@@ -210,55 +210,52 @@ func (l *GetFriendsAndGroupsLogic) GetFriendsAndGroups(req *types.IDReq) (resp *
if wxInfo.Ctype == uint64(3) {
hookClient = hook.NewWecomHook("", "", "")
- wsUrl = "http://wecom.gkscrm.com:15086/pc/GetWechatFriendList?cid=" + wxInfo.ProcessID + "&wechatid=" + wxInfo.Wxid
+ _ = hookClient.TriggerCustomerPushTask(wxInfo.Wxid)
+ _ = hookClient.TriggerConversationPushTask(wxInfo.Wxid)
} else {
hookClient = hook.NewHook("", "", "")
wsUrl = "http://chat.gkscrm.com:13086/pc/GetWechatFriendList?cid=" + wxInfo.ProcessID + "&wechatid=" + wxInfo.Wxid
- }
- res, err := reqv3.C().DevMode().R().SetSuccessResult(&result).Post(wsUrl)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if !res.IsSuccessState() {
- err = fmt.Errorf("GetFriendAndChatRoomList failed with status code %d", res.StatusCode)
- l.Error("GetWechatFriendList 请求失败", err)
- return nil, err
- }
- if wxInfo.Ctype == 3 {
- _ = hookClient.TriggerCustomerPushTask(wxInfo.Wxid)
- _ = hookClient.TriggerConversationPushTask(wxInfo.Wxid)
- } else {
+ res, err := reqv3.C().DevMode().R().SetSuccessResult(&result).Post(wsUrl)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !res.IsSuccessState() {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("GetFriendAndChatRoomList failed with status code %d", res.StatusCode)
+ l.Error("GetWechatFriendList 请求失败", err)
+ return nil, err
+ }
_ = hookClient.TriggerChatroomPush(wxInfo.Wxid)
- }
- for _, friend := range result.Data {
- friendType := 1
- if friend.Type == 1 {
- friendType = 2
- _ = hookClient.RequestChatRoomInfo(friend.Friendid, wxInfo.Wxid)
- } else {
- friendType = 1
- }
+ for _, friend := range result.Data {
+ friendType := 1
+ if friend.Type == 1 {
+ friendType = 2
+ _ = hookClient.RequestChatRoomInfo(friend.Friendid, wxInfo.Wxid)
+ } else {
+ friendType = 1
+ }
- _, err = l.svcCtx.DB.Contact.Create().
- SetWxWxid(wxInfo.Wxid).
- SetType(friendType).
- SetWxid(friend.Friendid).
- SetAccount(friend.FriendWechatno).
- SetNickname(friend.Nickname).
- SetMarkname(friend.Memo).
- SetHeadimg(friend.Avatar).
- SetSex(cast.ToInt(friend.Gender)).
- SetOrganizationID(organizationId).
- OnConflict().
- UpdateNewValues().
- SetOrganizationID(organizationId).
- ID(l.ctx)
+ _, err = l.svcCtx.DB.Contact.Create().
+ SetWxWxid(wxInfo.Wxid).
+ SetType(friendType).
+ SetWxid(friend.Friendid).
+ SetAccount(friend.FriendWechatno).
+ SetNickname(friend.Nickname).
+ SetMarkname(friend.Memo).
+ SetHeadimg(friend.Avatar).
+ SetSex(cast.ToInt(friend.Gender)).
+ SetOrganizationID(organizationId).
+ OnConflict().
+ UpdateNewValues().
+ SetOrganizationID(organizationId).
+ ID(l.ctx)
- if err != nil {
- l.Error("创建联系人失败", err)
- continue
+ if err != nil {
+ l.Error("创建联系人失败", err)
+ continue
+ }